Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Sometimes we don't even realize we are in the night until the morning comes. God is the morning to our night. He is the joy in our sorrow. Seek him in times of darkness and he will bring you light. One of my favorite songs is As the Deer. You may have realized that many songs are my favorite. :-) Here are the lyrics if you don't have time to listen to the video. The song itself is sure to calm you and redirect your thoughts to Him. It is beautiful.
As the deer panteth for the water. So my soul longeth after Thee. You alone are my heart's desire. And I long to worship Thee. You alone are my strength, my shield. To You alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire. And I long to worship Thee. You're my friend and You are my brother. Even though You are a king. I love You more than any other. So much more than anything. I want You more than gold or silver. Only You can satisfy. You alone are the real joy giver. And the apple of my eye.If you feel a longing in your heart and it cannot be satisfied that longing may be a relationship with God. I remember several years ago, before we were blessed with our miracle babies, I was in a terrible place emotionally and spiritually. We were trying to hard to get pregnant. We had tried several low dose medications and nothing had helped. I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks and had to have a D & C. All my thoughts were "why" this "why" that. My husband was constantly asking about what day of my cycle it was and trying to figure out when I might be ovulating. We both wanted to desperately to be parents. I decided to throw myself into children at our church. I was already active with the children's ministry, but if I couldn't have my own I would serve those in our church. I helped with VBS, taught on Wednesday nights, helped in the nursery and with other special activities. I focused on serving my church in other areas as well. This redirected my focus. Instead of being as focused on myself and my pity I was focused on serving others.
During this time my pastor at the time, the same one that threw me under the bus in another post (love you Stuey), and his wife sponsored me to go on a weekend short-course in Christianity called Walk to Emmaus. The walk was through the Heart of Carolina Emmaus Community. I was scared and excited at the same time. I wanted to reconnect with God and myself. I felt like I didn't know who I was anymore and I was hopeful this would help me be a better servant for my Lord, a better wife, and a better Christian above all. That weekend changed me forever. This was the joy in the morning I had been waiting for. I didn't have a cell phone or watch and I didn't have to think about when I was going to get up or eat. It was all taken care of. All I had to do was open my ears, my heart and let the Holy Spirit come in. That weekend included a very spiritual time in which you die to something that is holding you back from serving Him and loving Him with all your heart. My friends...that day I died to resentment for not being able to bear a child. I meant it and it was if I had been freed. I still wanted a child and wanted to pursue alternative methods of getting pregnant, but it didn't consume me as it had before.
After that weekend I could find the joy in the morning much easier and every minute of every day didn't seem like the night. I wasn't sad inside all the time. I wasn't mad inside all the time. I was freed for joyful obedience. My friends...your soul longs for an intimate relationship with our God. He is our heart's desire. We should love him more than any other. All glory and honor is His. As we face the day today let us remember that He comes first. So many times (like the other day with the therapy stuff) I put things before God. Join me today in seeking Him first. When you find yourself overwhelmed seek Him in prayer. is the time to worship!