We wiggled and jiggled and finally he was able to pull it. Of course she was scared initially but soon that faded into excitement about...the tooth fairy! She was anxious to get to bed to see what the tooth fairy might bring. Her Uncle Keith assured her the going rate was $20, but we let her know that wouldn't be the case at our house. :-) As I walked up the stairs this morning to slip the 5 $1 bills under her pillow I wondered what her reaction would be. I woke her up and she said, "Mommy, my tooth is still there and nothing else." Poor kid probably woke up 20 times last night to check. I urged her to check again. She got up on her knees, lifted the pillow and put her hands up to her face and said, "I can't believe my eyes." She couldn't believe the money was there. She was sure it wouldn't be. She quickly ran downstairs to show her Daddy before he left for work.
If you have children you know that if you don't want to be alone then you go to the bathroom! :-) I went to the bathroom and as usual I heard the pitter patter of feet heading that way. She sat down on the step stool with a pensive look as she held the money tightly in her hands. I asked her what she was thinking about and this is what she said. "Mommy, I've been thinking about this money the tooth fairy brought me. I want to give it to children who don't have enough money. Can we do that?" I couldn't believe my ears. My sweet girl was taking all the money she had been given, not just some and giving it away. Wow!
What if we all had a servant heart like this. I needed to hear this lesson from my child. I needed the reminder that giving is important. Ephesians 1:18 is part of a prayer of thanksgiving. Open the Eyes of My Heart is a song that asks God to open the eyes of our hearts so we can see Him. Sometimes we see Him through others and through the work of the Holy Spirit. Click the link and be blessed by an autistic child who is also blind sing this song. The eyes of your heart will be open for sure! I would like to share the prayer printed in my NIV Worship Bible by Marantha!.
We praise You, glorious Father, for Your great power and wisdom. We, Your church--this immense collection of frail humanity--we are the body of Christ on earth. The Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead now inhabits each of us with that same resurrection power. I am a part of Your living body, Lord Jesus. Fill me afresh with Your Spirit and open my eyes of faith so that I might understand not just in theory, but in day-to-day living, what it means to be a part of Your body. Teach me to think Your thoughts, to see with Your eyes, to hear with Your ears--to live and move and have my very existence in You )Acts 17:28; Ro 12:5; 1 Co 2:16)
Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday. As Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem his entry was triumphant. Today is Holy Monday. Jesus cleanses the temple of all the people treating it as a marketplace. He was unhappy that His Father's house was being treated in this way. The temple (church) is meant to be a place where sinners go to pray, worship and ask for forgiveness. Today let's focus on Him. Let's ask for child like faith and remember that He is who He says He is...our King.
Let us say "I Can't Believe My Heart!"
So precious that Mary Emma did this. She is a very special girl.